Design Process
To achieve your timber framed home or outdoor structure, we will work closely with you, your architect or building designer on all aspects of the project.
At the design stage we take into account the aspects of the follow on work of other trades.
To help you with the design of your new home, we have devised a questionnaire that may help you at this early stage. Click here for the questionnaire.
The usual steps involved in the process are:
1. Initial discussion to confirm how a traditionally crafted frame will meet with the desired image and feel of the build.
2. After the initial conversation, we will require from you a copy of your plans with dimension, the timber species you would like to use, desired walling and roof materials and your total project budget to be able to draw up your Preliminary 3D Design of your timber frame and an estimated cost of the timber frame.
The fee for this service ranges between $150 for a simple outdoor structure design and $500 for a more complex house design.
This fee will be deducted of the cost of a frame when you progress further.
3. Following review and discussion, we make any required changes and create further drawings.
4. On agreement of the initial design and cost, a contract is signed.ucted using red ironbark for the timber.
5. Working drawings are compiled.

6. Council approvals are sought and engineering is undertaken.
7. Timber is ordered according to specification.

8. We begin crafting the frame in our workshop.
9. Site inspections are made throughout this time to ensure that all is progressing as planned.

10. The frame is completed in our workshop, test-assembled and
prepared for delivery to site.

11. The prepared timbers are delivered to site and the frame is raised by TFA’s craftsmen.
At this point we hand the timber frame over to you for completion of the house or outdoor structure.